Google Play Store alternatives

Play Store

Previous app versions available no.
CPU architecture, DPI and API (Android) version selection no.
Compiled without external dependencies no, widely with external dependencies.
Own application to fetch updates yes.

Most of alternative service get it's content from official repository.
Developers able to submit it's apps to service like Apkmirror, Apkpure, F-droid by itself, with relaxed permissions and functionality.
You should aware that Play market shows you that update available without actual version updates and modifying original developer apk with own bite code, strange and selective behavior.

Previous app versions available yes, better (oldest) version coverage than other reviewed.
CPU architecture, DPI and API (Android) version selection yes, on website only.
Compiled without external dependencies yes, mostly.
Own application to fetch updates no, just unofficial from side developer.

Just use it's website. Very useful.
Apkmirror service have better (as older - as better) history version coverage than other reviewed service.
Looks like they don't hide previous versions by developer requests or the other reasons.
They have no own official app, but if you use to keep apps you downloaded - it is easy to select architecture and app DPI you prefer.

Take into account that there is a chance to get APK without :) external dependencies (which is better), it is useful to you in case you cloning APK with different settings or modifying it.

Unofficial app just a browser app and you cant redirect app:// request to it - completely useless.

  1. For better backward compatibility use (on website): armeabi-v7a architecture, nodpi (if available) and Android 4.1+ (as low as possible)

Relatively good.
Previous app versions available yes, with issues.
CPU architecture, DPI and API (Android) version selection yes, full featured on website.
Compiled without external dependencies yes, mostly.
Own application to fetch updates yes.

Consider it only as a Apkmirror alternative. Just use it's website.
Main goal of this service is - still have chance to download unmodified developer apk
without external dependency, and ability to mass upgrade apps with it's own app.
There is a chance to get APK without external dependencies too (as for apkmirror).

  1. Same as apkmirror but with :( stability issues like XAPK that did not installing.

  2. Hiding previous APKs versions by unknown reason.

  3. Hiding apps that not avail anymore in Play Store. But they still available by direct link.

  4. Previous version available in app but without distinguish for architecture, DPI and API (android) version.

  5. You can't :( select architecture and DPI and android version when downloading previous versions (downgrade) of apps.
  1. Set Region setting to United States in app options.

Relatively good.
Previous app versions available yes, but short version history.
CPU architecture, DPI and API (Android) version selection yes, indistinguishable.
Compiled without external dependencies possibly.
Own application to fetch updates yes.

  1. Previous version available in app but without distinguish for architecture, DPI and API (android) version.
  1. To enable 'Guardian Project' repository in app settings.

No rating.
Previous app versions available yes.
CPU architecture, DPI and API (Android) version selection no.
Compiled without external dependencies unknown.
Own application to fetch updates yes.

  1. Enforce you to install own app and don't let you to download APKs from it's website.

Side applications to update your phone's apps

URL Sources supported Notes APKMirror, Aptoide, F-Droid, Google Play Can turn on/off specific sources.
No developer direct contact.